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Create a map of local landmarks

Select specific OSM elements by their wikidata IDs to make a map of local landmarks. This was a prototype of MapRVA's Open Landmarks project.

title: Create a map of local landmarks
description: >
  Select specific OSM elements by their wikidata IDs to make a map of local landmarks. 
  This was a prototype of [MapRVA]('s
  [Open Landmarks]( project.
  zoom: 13.03
  center: [-77.46967, 37.55065]
    - type: symbol
      minzoom: 11
          - case
          - [ ==, [ get, name ], Phillip Morris ]
          - maki:industry
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q5052468 ]
          - maki:place-of-worship
          - - any
            - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q7433575 ]
            - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q4013975 ]
          - maki:museum
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q5123443 ]
          - maki:stadium
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q7730070 ]
          - maki:stadium
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q1700358 ]
          - temaki:racetrack_oval
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q11343430 ]
          - maki:rail
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q4883643 ]
          - maki:park
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q2537798 ]
          - temaki:capitol
          - [ ==, [ get, wikidata ], Q127740146 ]
          - maki:monument
          - maki:circle
        text-field: '{name}'
        text-font: [ Open Sans Regular ]
        text-variable-anchor: [ top ]
        text-justify: auto
        text-radial-offset: 1.25
        text-size: 12
        icon-color: rgb(51, 51, 51)
        text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51)
        icon-halo-color: white
        icon-halo-width: 3
        text-halo-color: white
        text-halo-width: 2
nwr[wikidata=Q5052468]; /* Cathedral of the Sacred Heart */
nwr[wikidata=Q7433575]; /* Science Museum */
nwr[wikidata=Q4013975]; /* VMFA */
nwr[wikidata=Q1700358]; /* Richmond Raceway */
nwr[wikidata=Q11343430][building=train_station]; /* Main St Station */
nwr[wikidata=Q4883643]; /* Belle Isle */
nwr[wikidata=Q127740146]; /* Carillon */
way[industrial=tobacco][name="Phillip Morris"](37.461143557941966,-77.45029756083287,37.480867748310146,-77.41825168956744);
nwr[wikidata=Q5123443]; /* City Stadium */
nwr[wikidata=Q7730070]; /* The Diamond */
nwr[wikidata=Q2537798]; /* Capital */
out center;

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