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powered by Overpass API

Overpass Ultra is a web-application made to simplify making maps with MapLibre GL JS and OpenStreetMap data, powered by the Overpass API and osmtogeojson

The customization of the map complies with an extended version of the the MapLibre Style Spec.


The documentation for Overpass Ultra is available at

Overpass Queries

Overpass API allows to query for OSM data by your own search criteria. For this purpose, it has a specifically crafted query language: Overpass QL

In addition to regular Overpass API queries one can use {{bbox}} to specify the bounding box coordinates of the current map view.


Various aspects of Overpass Ultra, such as styling and the Overpass API server to use, can be configured via YAML front-matter.


Overpass Ultra supports styling using the MapLibre Style Specification.

See the Styling section for more information.


Overpass Ultra is built by Daniel Schep.

You can contact me on Mastodon.

Feedback, Bug Reports, Feature Requests

While Overpass Ultra has been in development for a while, it should still be considered experimental.

If you would like to report a bug or provide other feedback, please do so in the project's Issue Tracker.

Source Code

The source code of this application is released under the MIT license.