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Wikidata photo popup

Customize the query popup with a photo from wikidata loaded via

title: Wikidata photo popup
description: Customize the query popup with a photo from wikidata loaded via [](
  zoom: 10.45
  center: [-95.9674, 36.1482]
popupTemplate: >
    {{ type }}
    <a href="{{ type }}/{{ id }}" target="_blank">{{ id }}</a>
    <a href="{{ type }}={{ id }}" target="_blank">✏️</a>
  {% assign wikidata = tags["siren:model:wikidata"] ?? tags["model:wikidata"] %}
  {%- if wikidata %}
  <img src="{{ wikidata }}?p=image&w=200&h=150">
  {%- endif %}
  {%- for tag in tags %}
    <code>{{ tag[0] }} = {{ tag[1] }}</code>
  {%- endfor %}



out geom;

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