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The MapLibre styling can be attached to a query written in the Overpass-QL query language via the style: key of the YAML front-matter.

style: ... your MapLibre style here ...
... your overpass query here ...

The value of the style: key can contain:

  • a URL to a MapLibre style
  • a full MapLibre style object
  • a Ultra MapLibre style

Ultra MapLibre styles

In order to simplify the use of MapLibre styles, Overpass Ultra implements a number of features.

Query result styling

In order to allow for easy styling of the query results, Overpass Ultra allows you to specify a style with only the layer for your query results.

For example, to render query results with a purple MapLibre circle layer:

    - type: circle
        circle-color: purple
nwr[shop]({{bbox}}); out center;

Extending a specific basemap style

To specify what style to add result styling to, use the extends key.

For example, to render the purple circles on the Protomaps light basemap:

    - type: circle
        circle-color: purple
nwr[shop]({{bbox}}); out center;

Layer source & id

In the above examples, the layer definitions are lacking both source and layers keys.

Layers don't need to specify an ID, and if the source is not specified, it will be set to to the source containting the query results.

Automatic paint and layer keys

In order to reduce the mental overhead of remember what keys are paint options and which are layout options, Overpass Ultra will automatically move them from the layer object into the appropriate options object.

For example, the above purple circle layer can be implemented as:

    - type: circle
      circle-color: purple
nwr[shop]({{bbox}}); out center;

Sandwiching layers

In order to place your layers below existing style layers, you can use the beforeLayerId: key.


PNG sprites via HTTPS

In order to facilitate adding icons to the map that don't exist in the basemap's sprites, if icon-image is set to an HTTPS URL to a PNG image, Overpass Ultra will automatically download it and add it to the Map's images.


Bundled Sprites

In order to simplify the creation of POI maps, Overpass Ultra bundles the Maki and Temaki sprites and adds them to your style as SDFs allowing for easy styling of icons.


    - type: symbol
      icon-image: maki:bus
      icon-color: white
      icon-halo-color: '#6486f5'
      icon-halo-width: 5

Fallback fontstack

Since not all MapLibre styles have the same glyphs, Overpass Ultra will default to using Noto Sans Regular if the speficied(or default) fontstack is not available.